Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Three, For Egyptian Mythological Dreams

Hello, lovelies! This next prompt comes from Sami:

The Judge's Apprentice
I once had this very strange dream during our school Egyptian month where Ma'at is training me to become the next judge of the dead. This was actually a serious nightmare because Ma'at's job is to decide whether or not a dead soul has a worthy heart or not. If it doesn't, you get to watch the soul be devoured and torn apart. With our world now, there was a lot of ripping apart souls. Basically in my dream, I also started judging the souls. Unlike the myth, there was no magic set of scales to help with descision. Lot of stress in that job. Don't want to let a bad soul into the afterlife, don't want to be blamed for murdering the wrong soul. It's Egyptian mythology though so I get it if you dont use it.
The only other stuff that I can currently remember is getting sent to a mental hospital, escaping, being stalked, but with no help whatsoever because everyone is so certain that I'm not real.

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